
Artículos en Revistas Indizadas

  1. Pérez-Rea M, Horta-Rangel Jaime, López-Lara Teresa, Hernández- Zaragoza B Juan, Alcocer M Sergio, Castaño M Victor. (2015), “Finite element/percolation theory modelling of the micromechanical behavior of clayey soils”. Journal Springer Plus. 4, pp. 140. DOI:10.1186/s40064-015- 0887-9.
  2. Eduardo Rojas, María L. Pérez-Rea, Teresa López-Lara, Juan B. Hernández, Jaime Horta. (2015), “Use of effective stresses to model the collapse upon wetting in saturated soils”. Journal of Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001251. © 2015. American Society of Civil Engineers. ASCE.
  3. Hiram Arroyo, Eduardo Rojas, María de la Luz Pérez-Rea, Jaime Horta and José Arroyo. (2015), “A porous model to simulate the evolution of the soil-water characteristic curve with volumetric strains”. Comptes Rendus Mecanique. DOI:10.1016/J.CRME.2015.02.001. pp. 1-22. ISSN:1631-0721.
  4. J. Horta-Rangel, Humberto Uehara-Guerrero, Teresa López-Lara, Luz Pérez-Rea, Juan Hernández-Zaragoza, Eduardo Rojas-González. (2014), “Optimal design of a fabric Shell using a coupled Fem-Optimization procedure”. Asian Journal of Science and Technology. 5(11), pp. 722-726.
  5. J. Horta-Rangel, L. Pérez-Rea, E. Rojas-González, T. López-Lara, J. Hernández-Zaragoza. (2014), “Non-linear behavior of fiber reinforced concrete composite until collapse. A new procedure of random fiber generation”. Asian Journal of Science and Technology.
  6. J. Horta-Rangel, L. Pérez-Rea, E. Rojas-González, T. López-Lara, J. Hernández-Zaragoza, Victor M. Castano. (2014) “3D Molecular dynamics/finite element simulation of Carbon Nanotubes-Reinforced polymer composites”. Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience (CNT).
  7. Horta-Rangel J., Pérez-Rea, L., Rojas-González, E., López-Lara, T., Hernández-Zaragoza, J. and Castaño, V. M. (2014), “3D Computer modeling of the catastrophic collapse of fiber reinforced concrete structures”. Disaster Advances, 8(1), pp. 31-38. ISSN 0974262X.
  8. Arroyo Hiram, Rojas Eduardo, Perez-Rea M., Horta Jaime, Arroyo J. (2013), “Simulation of the shear strength for unsaturated soils”. Comptes Rendus Mecanique. 341, pp. 727-742. ISSN: 1631-0721.
  9. Eduardo Rojas, Jaime Horta, Teresa López, Juan B. Hernández. (2013), “Probabilistic porous model to simulate the retention curves of soils”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering, ASCE. 139, pp. 320-329.
  10. T. López-Lara, J. B. Hernández, Jaime Horta, Eduardo Rojas, López Cajun C., Ramírez G. (2013), “Sustainable use of tepetate composite in earthen structure”. Journal Advances in Material Science and Engineering. 13, pp 6. ISSN: 1687-8434. ID 806387. DOI: 10.1155/2013/806387.
  11. J. B. Hernández, T. López-Lara, Jaime Horta, López Cajun C., Eduardo Rojas, G. Ramírez F., Adue Jorge. (2013), “Cellular Concrete Bricks with recycled expanded polystyrene aggregate”, Journal Advances in Material Science and Engineering. Vol. 2013. pp. 5. ISSN: 1687-8434. ID 160162. DOI: 10.1155/2013/160162.
  12. T. López-Lara, J.B. Hernández-Zaragoza, J. Horta-Rangel and D. Rosales-Hurtado. (2013), “Geocharacterization of the Tepetates”. European Journal of Enviromental and Civil Engineering. DOI:10.1080/19648189.2012.755337.
  13. E. Rojas, M. L. Pérez-Rea, G. Gallegos, J. Leal. (2012), “A porous model for the interpretation of mercury intrusion porosimetry test”, Journal of Porous Media. 15(6), pp. 517-530.